Tuesday, October 4, 2011


My film will be a study on the anthropomorphization of blades of grass.  I will film multiple blades of grass, using "close ups" of individual blades, and shots of groups of blades as well.  The blades of grass will experience various calamities, which are rather common events, but on the scale of the grass are terrible disasters.  Examples include: a hand plucking individual blades; someone stepping on grass; and a weedwacker.  The film will feature dialogue, from the perspective of the grass.  The lines spoken by the grass will be recorded in post production, and will be an interpretation of how I would react to the various events if I happened to be a blade of grass.
The goal of this movie is to make the viewer mourn the deaths of the blades of grass who are dying so violently in the film.  I am attempting to make inhuman objects evoke a human reaction by making them seem human while killing them in an inhumane fashion.

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