Tuesday, October 11, 2011

BRIGHT IDEAS for the light project

These stick people costumes were made with el wire, which is basically a light in wire form.  it is pretty bright in the dark, and it can be bent into shapes like these stick people.  It is pretty popular as costume lighting, since it is cheap (about $1.00 per foot), effective, battery powered, and easily manipulated.  To shorten el wire, you just cut it like a thread.  It would be pretty easy to make a complete scene with el wire in a dark environment.  A similar effect could be achieved with glow in the dark elements or blacklights, but el wire is much brighter.  People do amazing things with el wire, like this guy, who recreated the el wire "encore" suits worn by the band Daft Punk at their live performances.  We probably could not do something quite this complicated, but it just shows the capabilities of this material.  WE SHOULD GO FOR IT.

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