Monday, September 12, 2011


I don't think I am an artsy person.  I understand what art can mean to people, and I never disregard a piece that doesn't seem like "art" to me.  I don't really know what art is to me, and I certainly don't know what it is to other people.  When I look at the exhibitions in this little magazinette, I see art and sculptures and a good deal of creativity.  Some people who see these sculptures may just see a bunch of trash just mashed together, but I understand that whoever made that "pile of junk" sees a whole lot more.  I mean, its in a gallery for some reason.  What separates the artists from the "non-believers" in cases like these is experience and background, in my opinion.  The art means more to the artist just like how "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" is much more significant to a Harry Potter fan, as opposed to one who is not familiar with the series.
I did like the video art section, though.  The different exhibits described all seemed much more creative than I had imagined a Video Art Gallery.  The Description of "Submerged" was particularly interesting, with its interactive faces projected on those ceramic rock things.  The work of Nam Jun Paik was also quite innovative.  I did not expect video art to be so sculptural, as this article portrays it.  I think that incorporating video with sculpture could be the beginning of my transition to the wild world of ARTSY.   D:

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